In this article, the author discusses major reform movements in North America, which include Progressive reform, the New Math, and the NCTM Standard-based Math Wars. The main purpose of these movements is to change the mathematics education system to make an improvement. However, these movements are almost always opposed by people who are on the opposite side of the line. There exist two polarized views of mathematics education, and these are categorized as progressive and conservative or traditionalist views. In addition to this, there are some other complicating factors that has made it difficult for the mathematics education to have much change, such as public stereotypes and unqualified teachers.
As the author suggest, I believe that the most effective form of mathematics education will be formed only if these two opposite views meet in the middle and combine their ideas together. One way is not always better than the other. Both conservative and progressive views contain important aspects of mathematics education. For example, in terms of modes of mathematics teaching, teachers would need to present materials at some times, but also need to elicit ideas from the students on some other times. I think the part of the reason that there are ongoing disputes is that people are afraid to change. Change means that there needs to be a lot of effort put in. However, it is sometimes important to take some risks and make those efforts to bring in the changes. Also, it is important that these efforts need to be made at every level of education. We really need to listen to and respect other people’s opinions and try to come up with the ways to provide the best education for our students. We need to keep in our mind that it would be the students who suffer from these ongoing polarized political debates.